Alright I've decided that I'm not going to post every workout I do right away. I don't think I currently do enough to write about each one, being that I am currently more building a base rather then training very hard. In order to build a base I have been running 20 minutes a day three days a week. The temperature dropped and the snow fell so I have been running inside, due to no cold gear for running, but run outside on the nice days, about 35 degrees Fahrenheit and up. I also weight myself and measure myself every Monday to keep a record of how my body has changed. The scale I use also measures body fat so I use that for body fat and the military's way of measuring, I am also currently looking into getting a caliper.
Alright in the past couple weeks I have missed running on Monday November 29th and Wednesday November 24th and only ran for about 10 minutes on Friday November 26th. Thanksgiving went well and I got to see some of my family and the reason I didn't run on Wednesday was due to traveling. Friday was a nice day but I got to work before the sun came up and left work after the sun went down and since I didn't want to risk running a went sidewalks that were going to start icing up I decided to run inside. Luckily my employer has a treadmill that they allow employees to use so I just ran at work. I only ran for about 10 minutes due to the fact that I had been working for ruffly 12 hours helping customers and when I started running I realized that my legs were already tired from work. Even though I had been on my legs for 12 hours I ran on the treadmill for 10 minutes at a 7.5 mile per hour pace.
On Monday I missed my running due to traveling again. I flew down to Denver for an interview with a company in hopes that I will someday actually use my degree. On my way back, waiting in the Denver airport for a little over 2 hours I noticed that most of america will do anything that makes it so they don't have to work hard. The have escalators and don't even put stairs next to them anymore and have moving sidewalks. I also realized that there are a lot of restaurants and gift shops in the airport but I don't think I've ever seen a gym in an airport. I think that it would be a great way for people who fly a lot to stay healthy.
Down to yesterdays run. I ran outside due to the fact that it was over 40 out, I love rapids consistency in weather, but ran on the sidewalk due to snow covered grass. I ran for 20 minutes like normal and have decided that it's about time to start increasing time and soon I may start having interval days. I ran at a comfortable pace and by the end I had some pain in my chest; however, my pace was down to 6.9 miles per hour which made me a little disappointed. Since it was nice enough my wife also came with me and road her mountain bike.
I have been lifting and biking a lot this summer and now that I have started running a lot I have noticed that both my lifting and biking have decreased in frequency. My current goal is to increase those back up while keeping my running at three days a week. All in all I have had a fairly good week even though I ran better at the beginning of the week compared to the end, but everybody has off days.
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